Streamlining Your Remote Employee Device Return Process: It's Easier Than You Think!

If your organization is like many, chances are you've had to transition to a fully remote workforce in the past year or so. While the shift may have initially caught you off guard, it likely also came with a new set of challenges—namely, how do you manage and track all employee devices? Don't worry; streamlining your device return process is easier than you think. Let's look at some ways to ensure that your organization's devices make it back into the office safe and sound.

Remote Employee Onboarding & Offboarding Processes

The first step in streamlining your remote employee device return process is establishing onboarding and offboarding processes for remote employees. It's important for IT leaders to make sure that the proper hardware is going out to the right person and that when each employee leaves their role, they're returning their company-issued equipment promptly. This should include laptops, monitors, headsets, and any other items issued to them. To ensure this process goes quickly and smoothly on both sides (for IT and departing employees), be sure to create clear policies around onboarding/off-boarding procedures.

Security Checklists & Data Wiping Protocols

Another great way to streamline the device return process is by having security checklists before any device leaves your IT department. A checklist will help you easily track who has what device and what steps need to be taken before devices are returned. Once devices come back into your office, make sure you have protocols in place for data wiping so that all sensitive information stored on those devices can be securely removed before they go back out again or are reused within your organization.

Setup Automatic Reminders & Tracking Systems

Finally, automated reminders can save time and energy for both IT staff and departing employees. Automated reminders can help ensure that everyone involved knows when it's time for a specific employee’s gear to be returned (as well as if any follow-up needs to occur). Additionally, tracking systems such as shipping labels or online tracking portals can help keep better tabs on devices as they’re being shipped back or around internally within an organization.

Streamlining your remote employee device return process doesn't have to be complicated—it just requires some forethought! By following these tips—establishing onboarding/offboarding processes; creating security checklists; setting up data wiping protocols; and automating reminders & tracking systems—you'll soon find yourself managing remote employees' tech much more efficiently than ever! So don't stress about making sure those laptops get back home safe...just follow these steps, and you'll have everything under control!


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